New Card Deck Release!
The Angel Light Code deck is now available!
Newly Released in October 2024!
This deck was created with channelled messages and transformational ascension artwork, and includes audio light language for a truly immersive experience.
Watch the video below to see a demonstration and walk through of the cards.

Instructional Video
Watch this video to learn how to use the cards and receive the energies.
How To Use The Cards
The video above gives you instructions on how to use the cards and covers the following:
The energies in the cards
How to use them (4 ways)
How to scan the QR code to hear the audio message
Wording and language
How to receive and integrate energies
What is light language
Angel Light Code Bracelets
The Angel Light Codes instructional video is designed for those that already have the pack and want to understand how to use it, but also for those who may have come across it and would like to know more. This will help you understand how it works.
These are channeled messages from the angels, speaking from a different dimension. They focus on energy—how it works and flows, how it moves from the other dimensional aspects of ourselves into our day-to-day lives, and how all those different layers of ourselves work together. The angels send light codes or healing energy into these layers, which they often call spectrums, meaning a range of frequencies. These light codes address the theme of each card and help clear blockages or interference, or sometimes they add energy to enhance, assist, or boost.
In some cases, they bring in energetic technologies, complexes, codes, or programs to offer a next-level upshift in your spiritual gifts. You can refer to the glossary below to help you understand the language used. On the actual cards, I’ve sometimes simplified the language a little, partly so it fits on the card, and partly because the initial channeled message might seem repetitive. However, in the original message, each word brings through different energies, even if they seem similar. For example, the phrase "Ascension chain" might be followed by "Ascension process" and "Ascension journey." Each time a word is repeated, it's transmitting a different frequency to match intangible differences even if the words seem to have a very similar meaning. The angels told me they use multiple words to be understood by as many people as possible, with different programming and perceptions.
Feeling The Energies
Sensitive people, including myself, can feel these energetic frequencies just by reading the words. The images were also channeled. As I created them, I could feel the energy shift when everything was aligned correctly. These light codes from heaven were anchored into the earth through the images, which perfectly match the messages. When you look at the images, you receive the light codes that were initially channeled. You receive whatever is in your highest good and whatever you are ready to receive at that time. If you use the same card again, you may receive a new layer of light codes. If you’re sensitive to energy, you might feel shifts in your body, feel tired, or need to rest. You may feel energy shifting out, or feel tingly or light; I often feel heat.
Knowing When The Process Is Complete
It becomes easier with practice to know when you’ve received the energy, whether you need to receive more, or whether you’re done for the day. You may want to come back to it in a week. If you already know how to intuitively choose cards, know when they’re activated, and when the process is complete, then you will follow the same process with these cards. Sometimes you might have an adverse feeling towards a card, which often indicates resistance to shifting a particular issue at that time. It usually means you need to, but if the resistance feels strong, choose another card with the intention of helping you shift that resistance. It will inevitably be the correct card for that job, and you can come back to the resistant card later.
How To Use The Cards
Now I’ll talk about the different ways you can use the cards.
Picking A Card in Answer to a Question:
If you want to use these cards like a typical pack of oracle or tarot cards, where you pose a question and spread them out, you can intuitively pick one. You can pick cards face down or face up, whichever feels right to you. If you’re visual, you might want to see which colors or patterns attract you. Spread the cards out, pose your question, make sure you’re grounded, your heart is open, and feel for any tingling in your hands or if one card stands out to you. If nothing stands out, just pick one randomly.
Once you have a card, follow the instructions on the instruction card:
Image First:
Imagine roots coming out of your feet into the Earth, and open your heart and mind to the angels. Let your eyes wander over the image and notice what you feel. You might feel a sensation in your body, like tension releasing or shoulders relaxing. Just notice these feelings. Look into the image like you’re scrying (scrying is looking into a neutral space such as a crystal ball) just receiving the energy from a neutral, loving space.
Then Text:
Once you feel that the process is complete, turn the card over and read the words. Even if you don’t fully understand the language, you’re still receiving the light codes. Next time you pull the card, it may make more sense to you.
Then Audio:
After reading the card, scan the QR code and listen to the message online, which includes the light language. The online message is the full channeled message as it came through me, unedited and unaltered. (Click here for how to scan the QR code).
Message From The Angels
Another way to use the cards is by asking the angels for a message every day or once a week, asking what you need for your personal development and healing. Again, ground yourself, connect to the angels, and ask for your message. Choose a card and work with it in the same way as before, receiving the image and message and then if it feels right, the audio.
You can also use the cards in a spread, asking more complex questions like, “What should I focus on next in my personal life?” Choose multiple cards, and take time to feel the images, notice any patterns, and what they might have in common. Let your unconscious mind process these energies. After working with each card individually, summarize what they have in common and how they answer your question.
Use Them Consciously as an Ascension Tool
If you want to get the most out of these cards, I suggest working with them in numerical order. Start at number one, as they were channeled in a specific order that follows an Ascension path. For example, the first card clears addiction and accelerates Ascension, providing a foundation for the next card, which focuses on spiritual inspiration. The cards work in stages to clear and shift specific levels of energy, helping you progress through your Ascension. You can follow this order or work intuitively by picking cards each day. However, if you want to follow the original path, it’s a good idea to stick to the channeled order.
Each card should be worked with until it feels complete. The process is gradual and may take up to three months or more. By the end of it, you should feel significantly different.
Understanding The Channelled Messages
The channeled messages often come through slowly, as I receive one word or a string of words at a time without knowing what is coming next, and this is also beneficial when you're listening because it gives you the opportunity to receive all the frequencies and light codes that are coming through the words and through the high vibrational healing space that I'm holding. The words contain light codes or energy, and even though they may have similar meaning to other words or appear repetitive, they carry different, specific frequencies.
The angels use specific energetic terms like “spectrum” and other words interchangeably, like “pathway,” “trajectory,” or “timeline,” which all relate to the path you’re on. They also like to set the scene when they're bringing a message through, using phrases like "in the inevitable" or "in the remembrance of." They like to set a theme emotionally or energetically and set the scene of this matrix or paradigm we're living within, which they call an illusion. They're essentially talking about reality and will call it an illusion, specifying the illusion by referencing the sun, moon, and stars. So, under the illusion of the sun and stars (or the sun and moon), this refers to Earth in 3D reality. They're aware of and existing in multiple realities, and they specify the reality we're in.
When it comes to expressing your day-to-day undertakings, routines, or endeavors in your life, they describe this in different ways. It's essentially referring to your physical reality, your day-to-day life. Sometimes they say "day-to-day life," "daily life," or "daily routine."
There are also different ways of describing multi-dimensional aspects of yourself. Sometimes they speak of "your being," often called "being" or "vessel." "Vessel" usually refers to your physical body but may also refer to your individual anatomy, which can include spiritual anatomy, light bodies, and emotional bodies, meaning specifically you in this reality. When they say "being," they are referring to an extended version of you, through higher dimensions. As we go higher up the frequency spectrums of ourselves, we become more and more unified with others and with spirit.
They are speaking in the most effective way to reach as many people as possible about those different levels of our being and how they interact as part of the ascension process. Whatever you receive and whatever you understand through the channeled messages or cards, don't worry too much about it. You will be receiving the light codes at the level you're ready for, and it is less important whether your conscious mind t fully understands all aspects of it the first few times you listen or read the words.
Glossary Of Terms Used By The Angels
Common terms the angels use in channelled messages and what they mean:
Under the illusion: In a specific reality or matrix.
Under the reality of the sun/moon/stars: In the 3D reality on Earth.
Your Being: Your physical body and energy bodies and consciousness.
Your vessel: Usually refers to your physical body, but can mean your physical and energetic bodies related to your individual identity in this 3D reality.
Timeline/trajectory/path: The energetic and/or physical path you are traversing, or can traverse.
How to Know When You Have Integrated The Energies
You need to listen to your intuition, the subtle signals coming from your consciousness, unconsciousness, and body. If you feel suddenly tired, sit down and rest to let the energies move through. They often won't move through until you do that, or they might move through overnight when you can relax and allow yourself to be in stillness and receptive mode.
The sensations, symptoms and feelings that come up will often be related to the message of the card. For example, if it's saying you're unlocking potentials that you could never have dreamed of, whatever blockages exist in your own consciousness, emotional, or mental processes will surface. You'll know you've been receiving the energies when these blockages start coming up. As these higher energies come in, they push these aspects up to the surface for you to be conscious of them and move them through. How you do this is by allowing them to move through without suppressing or judging them. Lovingly let them move through, because they are on their way out. It's the same as when you're receiving a healing session—they come out for you to see, acknowledge, and then move on. It's a process of clearing out what no longer needs to take up space in your body or system. They just want to be seen and acknowledged first.
I hope you enjoy using these cards, and I'd love to hear your feedback. There’s a section below for you to leave reviews or comments. I'd love to know your experiences with them. Blessings, everyone!
What is light language?
Light language is a language from higher dimensional aspects of yourself. It speaks directly to the soul, heart, physiology, and all aspects of your being, beyond your conscious understanding. It can be described as a set of commands, keys, or codes that unlock processes within your being at the relevant level. Essentially, light language is the language of the soul or higher self, and there are many different dialects and languages, but your being understands them all. It's like a universal language of the soul.
More about this can be found here.
Angel Light Codes Bracelets
If there are any particular cards that resonate with you, or if you want to continuously receive those codes, I have created these beautiful bracelets from the card images, containing the light codes/ healing properties, that you can wear in gold or silver, and they can be engraved on the back. There are 44 to choose from, one for every card.
Walk-Through of the Cards & Mini -Reading
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