More About Your Transformational Ascension Artwork
Transformational Ascension Art is artwork that was created with a healing intention around a specific focus.
It has undergone an energetic process that enables it to unlock healing and raise energetic vibration, serving as a formula, code or key that activates, upgrades, clears and energises your physical, energetic, emotional, spiritual and mental bodies on multidimensional levels. This can have amazing results for the willing receiver.
To receive the uplifting energies, visually explore the image with an open receptive heart and notice subtleties in the way you feel emotionally or within your physical body and energy field. When the changes stop, you have connected to the painting and it can continue to do its magic for you through its presence alone or worked with consciously.
This painting contains the energy of peace and illumination brought through the heart shaped portal from the divine and angelic realms. The dove has travelled from the heavens, bringing high vibrational peace and heart/love activation represented in its golden egg which it is placing in the hearts of humanity as part of a collective ascension to a golden age.
Vibrational Properties
Having this artwork in your environment or as part of your healing session, brings peace, harmony and divine love into your life. It heals, activates and expands your heart chakra and helps raise your consciousness to access the christen heart and contribute to the raising of peace and harmony on the planet.
Wishes Manifest
The inspiration for this image comes from a walk through some green fields where I found myself in the middle of swirling dandelion seeds, they were everywhere and it felt really magical, as if the breath of an angel had blown on all the dandelion pods in the entire field just to bring my wishes to me and I could imagine them all landing and seeding all my heart felt thoughts and dreams. It was beautiful how the sunlight caught them all and was completely relevant to what I was going through in my life. This painting received progressed energies and light codes several years later where the wishes have become more abundant and more tangible in our physical world. This can be seen by the brighter, more solid colours and fuller seed pod.
Vibrational Properties
Bring your heartfelt, soul inspired dreams and inspirations into form. They are inspired from your soul, represented by the angel. Her breath represents inspiration (to inspire/breathe) from spirit. The dandelion pod represents the heart chakra, from here, the breath becomes form and the breeze picks it up and distributes your seeds of inspiration, through your heart, form your soul, (your gifts) to the world wherever they need to go, to seed and germinate and become real.
This painting contains the energy of Serenity and represents harmony in your environment. The white horse in the snow wears the colours of her surroundings. The markings on her back are reflected in the footprints in the snow. The past is behind her but has left footprints which are effecting how she is feeling and relating to the world. By bringing her inner peace and serenity into her heart and projecting it outwards into her environment, it not only helps her to feel peaceful but also effects the frequency around her, healing all she touches. The frequencies merge and harmonise and all is well, she is safe.
Having this artwork in your environment will help you to assimilate change such as moving countries or changing job or house or to tolerate foods and chemicals that you are sensitive to. It helps you to harmonise with new energies around you or to be able to take new or disharmonious foods into your body. Put it on the fridge to harmonise your food to your own vibration. Use it to help babies transition from milk to solid food or breast milk to formula.
Grace represents spirit landing very solidly and strongly onto this earth in this dense physical reality, with strength and purpose. The horses are etheric, of spirit, but becoming solid as they touch the earth, still radiating their spiritual splendour and light, just as a new born baby does as it transitions into its new body, still carrying it’s light. The horse on the left is the feminine aspect of the being and has very subtle wings shaped from the mane. It floats more than gallops. The central horse has clear direction and looks you square in the eye with love, determination and power. The right masculine aspect looks straight ahead, not swayed by distractions, led by clear, higher guidance of the central figure. Together they represent power, clarity, purity and strength, led by higher guidance.
Vibrational Properties
Having this artwork in your environment or as part of your healing session, will balance your masculine and feminine aspects, give you clear direction, guided by a higher purpose and ground your higher self into the present. It brings self-empowerment, clear guidance, an infusion of spirit and higher perspective. It gives you strength of will and brings through purity of intention, clearing away obstacles and toxins with it’s light.
This painting contains the energy of the pure, unblemishable core within us. She is empowered and shines her light where ever she is, so pure and crystalline she reflects the colours of her environment outwardly, brightening and enlightening all around her. As she emanates her radiant glow, all toxins, negativity and blockages are cleared away. She has arrived from the stars, like an inception of divine grace and heralds the new evolved, conscious reality.
Vibrational Properties
Having this artwork in your environment or as part of your healing session, will help you to access the part of yourself that is empowered, pure and radiant, that cannot be stopped or interfered with. It will move you along your path towards the crystalline reality and release toxins in your environment, energetic and physical and bodies. Place it in a toxic or uncomfortable environment.
Star Lion
This lion painting is connected to the lionsgate portal, a period of time every year culminating on 8th August where an influx of light codes and frequencies line up with the sun and ascension energies travel through a gateway from the star system Sirius for the upliftment of humanity. It is a gateway for this transformative energy arriving to the earth to catapault us into the new paradigm and this is anchored through the ears of the lion (hearing the souls guidance) and the foxgloves and pink flowers which were grounding the starlight through relationship, transmuting the blockages to being with your true souls pairing.
Vibrational Properties
Having this artwork in your environment or as part of your healing session, will help you to access a resolution to many issues that have dumb founded you in current times and the past. Light will expand and help clear programming in ways of being, in religion, in soul expression, which become outmoded as true authentic soul expression replaces them. It will help you access the triads and trinities that are forming in the cosmos and on earth. These alliances form solid unbreakable structures with great manifesting ability and functionality. Rescuing will a be a thing of the past as you will be more held field of unity. Rest in the supportive arms of the unity field, understand you are safe, allow yourself to be held.
Beauty & Balance
This painting contains the energy of the dawn of your new day, dancing as one with the swirling dandelion seeds as they seed and germinate your dreams and desires. The dancer is the pod from which the seeds emerge, from her heart and soul, projected into the sky and as the ground reflects the colours of the the sky, so the seeds land in perfect reflection of the heart and soul desires.
Vibrational Properties
Having this artwork in your environment or as part of your healing session, will help you to access the part of yourself that is empowered, and will help you align in balance and grace with that you dream to create in your world, delivering you out of any imbalance, disharmony or unwanted situation. Place it where you will view it daily to be reminded of your dreams and to help you align to them and sends the seeds of energy out into the world, trusting they will be carried where they need to go.
Arrival first peeked out at me with his blue eye in a vision, camouflage in black sparkly stardust on a higher dimensional planet. The whole scene was covered in this luminescent stardust and as he became conscious that I was aware of him, he revealed his stunning beauty in the form of a shimmery black horse. I of course had to paint him. When I set out to paint him I used the same inspirational image as i had used for th white horse “sanctity” and realised they were flip sides of the same coin, with joint opposing and complementary healing purpose and a twinflame pair. Where Sanctity clears toxicity, negative and density and uplifts to higher vibration, Arrival brings the positive and high vibrational outcomes and manifests desires into form. Together they create a heaven on earth and reverse the dissension earth has been through with the fall from the Garden of Eden and the fall of Atlantis.
Transformational Properties
Having this artwork in your environment or working with it for healing and conscious evolution, raises you to unity consciousness, brings in the ascension and healing cosmic colors of high vibration, unifies twinflames into their joint purpose together, delivers abundance consciousness, removes poverty consciousness.
Soul Purpose
Soul Purpose represents alignment with your souls purpose. The white peacock is spirit embodied and displayed proudly, held and moved easily by strong feet and legs. The peacock feels your glance and turns to face you, manoeuvring with ease and grace to look you in the eye, his magnificent display moving with him, balanced and symmetrical, even in movement. Hearts (feathers) are produced from his core and replace themselves like the cells of our body, he is the source of divine love.
Vibrational Properties
Having this artwork in your environment or as part of your healing session, will help you to remain aligned to your soul purpose and to hold yourself and your multidimensional gifts and knowledge proudly and strongly in this world. This is the apex of knowing yourself and holding your true self in alignment, drawing to you all that is in alignment with your soul purpose and ultimately right for the whole. You are lovingly moving with divine consciousness that flows through you and all of the universe.
This painting contains the energy of beingness. He is fully present in each activity he does, observing and listening to all around him with full awareness whilst he undertakes his activities and moves through the world. His vision is not just 360 degrees but also above and below, connected to nature and divine consciousness. It is effortless as he is connected to all around him and is unmoved by external happenings. He choses when and where to be and and what to do and does it with his entire being.
Vibrational Properties
Having this painting in your environment or as part of your healing session, will help you to be present in all you do and to hear your soul’s priorities rather than the activities or responsibilities that appear to be important. It will help you feel your connection to nature, the animal kingdom, the universe and divine oneness. When you allow your spirit to guide you, you will find that all you need to do will somehow fall into place around you. Listen.