Explore The Channeled Energy Art Of
Tracy Robbins
In this overview section you will find some images of artworks which contain healing energies. These have all been created with healing and ascension intentions, from a healing state, guided by angels and healing art guides.
Each artwork has healing properties. You can click on the image to find out more. For ease of browsing and navigating to the artwork or healing properties you are called to, I have arranged them in collections. You can click on the individual image to be directed to more information about the artwork, its magical story as well as how it is related to other paintings and artworks.
Many of these images have been produced into prints, or printed onto items that enable you to receive your healing energies in other ways such as clothing, mugs, candles. You can find out what is available by clicking on the images or visitting the Heart Of Gold Shop and using the search function.
To learn about creating your own energy artworks, visit the workshops section.
To see the full collection in each category, click on the button associated.
This video explains how these energy art paintings came about and how it works.
Pastel Paintings
Here are just a few of the pastel paintings that I has created. Each is created from a high vibrational state with magical stories and energies focussed on clearing out low densitiy and raising vibration as well as healing traumas.
These were all used in healing sessions and are very useful in raising the vibration of the building, therapy centre, office and are especially helpful to empaths, highly sensitive people and starseeds.
My journey through art started in 2007 when I walked past the window of an art shop and was energetically drawn to the pastels on sale. I was mesmerized and had to purchase them. Every step of the way was guided by a flow of divine energy and guidance. I was already a full time healer in my own healing practice and channelled guides, angels and star beings. Over the years I observed how the paintings were to be used in healing light codes that came in for healing clients accumulated and built on top of each other to form healing geometries or light codes which would be channelled into the paintings. Sensitive people who saw the painting had energetic healing responses when viewing them.
Click on each image to find out more about individual paintings.
Here is an article I wrote on the subject for an online magazine.
Click the button below to find out more about this collection and how these paintings have been used in healing sessions.
Wishes (Hearts seeds being manifest)
Grace (Strength, Guidance, Direction, Balance, Power)
Sanctity (clears the negative away)
Arrival (Brings everything thats been missing)
Presence (Centred & Present)
Soul Purpose (Aligned & Activatied in Souls Purpose)
Star Lion (Connnection to Sirius and Lionsgate Portal)
Balance & Beauty (Poise and balance among adversity)
Illumination (Activation of the Christed Heart)
Serenity (Harmonise outside influences)
Creation (Fibonacci spiral of creation)
Peony (hormonal and soul healing, conception, birth)

Play (End of working life, retirement, graduation to play)

Twinflame Reunion (Ascending together and collectively)

Oneness Unity (Moving in unison to Joy)

Freedom (Navigating from confinement to open skies)

Mother's Love (Bond between Mother & Daugher)
Twin Hearts (Twin & VTS Healing)

Dream Lover(Astral travel and soul rendez-vous)

Coming Home (aligned to perfect home and relationships)

Met (Meeting on all levels form Heaven to Earth)

Mastery (Mastering the Depths & The shallows)

Symphony (The cycles of nature & spirit)

Longtide (Reorganising rhythms of Life Force)

Twin Spirits (Twinflames)

Atlantis Portal (Ascending to 5D)

Abundance (seeds of your dreams flowering)
Sacred Serpent (Kundalini Activation)
Channelled Clay Series
Tea Light Angels Series
Angels & Dragons Collection
This recent collection is still completing as my energy paintings are channelled in according to collective cycles and the anchoring of collective energies. I track these energies as they are worked through energetically via transmissions and paintings and the paintings receive these light codes (antidotes) that activate ascension processes.
This collection was instigated by a QHHT session where I was told that an extremely rapid ascension process was occurring from April 2024. There would be a 3 fold increase in enlightenment collectively over a 4 month period. These painting anchor these energies. Visit the collection to learn more.
Archangel Ariel, I am Love
Oct 2024
Status- Original Sold
Related items available:
Item with similar light codes created at same time,
Paintings from same collection containing related energies.
Angel Light Codes Series, Archangel Ariel Image and Transmission
Dragon Dreams
Dec 2024
Status- Original Sold
Related items available:
Item with similar light codes created at same time
Paintings from same collection containing related energies.
Autumn Elemental Collection
This recent collection is still completing as my energy paintings are channelled in according to collective cycles and the anchoring of collective energies. I track these energies as they are worked through energetically via transmissions and paintings and the paintings receive these light codes or antidotes that activate ascension processes.
This collection was inspired by the season of autumn (fall) in 2023 and it has taken a full year of moving through all the connecting seasons to complete these energies and thus the artistic aspects of the paintings. This collection is made up of 3 x 3D art and one heart shaped 2D painting.
The magical thing about these paintings is that there are 4 in the Series, just like the 4 seasons and I believe they contain energetic templates of all seasons in each painting, just like the autumn leaves do. I have been delighted to find that the whole series have been claimed by a single owner who wishes to keep them all together. This is music to my ears and it feels perfect that all 4 autumn paintings that contain the whole seasonal cycle would be together as one greater energetic family.
Winds Of Change
Feb 2024
Status- Original Sold
Related items available:
Glass container with Autumn leaf Lid
Autumn Empress
Nov 2024
Status- Original Sold
Related items available:
Glass container with Autumn leaf Lid
“Autumn Empress Grace”
Grace landed on my doorstep…while I’d awaited her arrival from across the pond, her presence was already impregnated within me. I was already in love with her colors and style yet knew timing was everything and knew I’d be notified when her reveal was to be. The next morning at 6:05, I was beckoned to the unveiling. It was January 1, 2025, a 1-1 Portal, and a new beginning.
I unwrapped her gingerly acknowledging the significance of what lay between the layers. My eyes rested on her beauty and then a shift occurred. Energetically, I was bathed in receiving her attributes more fully. Her higher vibrational Empress light codes were merging with my auric field. Energetic waves of higher wisdom, abundance and empowerment filled me profoundly.
I sat with her for 15 minutes, all the while, embodying the impact of how this masterpiece of energetic art was upgrading me. I’d been through many upgrades in my life and not only knew the signs but knew the drill…it was now time to rest. Integration ensued during a long sleep which allowed the alignment to be fully anchored. Once awake, my perception on life had changed.
I had been applying myself to embracing higher vibration for some time, and now new thoughts were suddenly flooding in from a higher perspective. No longer was I stuck in smallness but aware of how an Empress would behave. Only the dwelling of opportunities for solutions based on an inner knowing of certitude, wisdom, strength and confidence remained. There was no longer a need to push or shove. The Empress reigned within me, a quiet yet steady inner strength and knowing. Grace had come home, home to me. As I sought her, she sought me.
With much appreciation,
Marlene Hachey
Fredericton, N.B. Canada
Cosmic Rainbow Synergy
Feb 2025
Status- Original Sold
Related items available:
Necklaces, canvas prints and products made form these 4 paintings, as well as other artworks with related themes and properties and their products
Anchoring the Divine Plan Collection
This collection has been claimed and is located in New York, USA.
All the paintings are created around the theme of manifesting the divine family, divine soul purpose and divine lifestyle and business, aligned to the highest divine plan. Each piece of art has also been energetically connected to work together in the space as an activation portal, each bringing their individual light codes and purposes, forming a cohesive cocreative function.
There are 4 paintings in this collection, pictured here. Visit the collection to dive deeper and receive the healing and activating energies through the screen!
Once these paintings were claimed as a colletion, they underwent energy activations that created a field and a complex of light ocdes that enable them to work together in a geometry of light to form a portal. They also recived threads of interactive light between them. I observed the hummingbird painting embedd its frequencies in a quantum exchange inot the cosmic rainbow synergy painting. With my energetic eyes I could see the section of green/blue energy next tot he silver overlay resemble the wings and beaks of many hummingbirds, connecting the the collective starseeds incarnating as empathic, sensitive beings.