Archangel Ariel, Flowers of Love & Unity
Receive loving energies from Archangel Ariel through this painting and its related products. The design was hand painted using a fluid art background with acrylic on canvas, imbued with love energies from archangel Ariel who resides over nature, plants and animals and encourages us to embrace the divine love that is always available to us. The energy is transferred to the canvas and into your room via light codes.
Original acrylic painting on canvas.
This fluid art painting of flowers with love hearts is an offshoot of the Archangel Ariel transmission and contains the energies of the channelled message below.
Channelled message:
There is a constant flow of love frequencies emanating from the solar principle, reaching your hearts and the hearts of humanity. This vast and permeable love enlightens everything it touches.
You can access this love at any moment. It continuously washes over you, inviting you to receive it into your being—into every cell, your energy field, consciousness, and emotional and mental bodies. Whether in light or darkness, allow this love to shape your path forward.
By embodying this love, you become a transmitter of love in your life and for those around you. This love elevates you, leading to joy and high-vibrational experiences, and connecting you with others who resonate on these higher frequencies, forming soul connections, brotherhoods, sisterhoods, and soul family.
As you align with your soul tribe, you create a circle of love that encircles the planet and expands exponentially into the universe, calling forth other resonant beings. This powerful love frequency extends beyond Earth, into infinite realms, inviting abundance and manifesting Heaven on Earth.
This love positively influences the Earth, nature, and everything you perceive, triggering a timeline shift to a higher frequency for those willing to receive it. Embrace this love, as it embraces you.
About the Painting
The colours are pink, gold, lemon yellow, green, red and silver with love heart shapes in the background. The love hearts represent the light codes of abundant love that Archangel Ariel is blowing in the other painting in the series.
It is also represents the divine feminine in the unity of masculine and feminine, and is related to the hummingbird which represents the divine masculine in another series of my paintings.
Its 30cm tall by 25cm wide and stands 2cm off the wall.
Available as an original painting, as a canvas print of various sizes and printed onto mugs, coasters and other items to enable you to receive the codes through your food and drink.
Related Paintings: Hummingbird art, hummingbird and flower art, Archangel Ariel paintings.