Light Language Art Phenomena

I have been compelled to keep painting as a priority over everything else and have been amazed as usual by the magic revealed to me!

I have been experiencing instructions in my sleep, on the shapes and colours to paint, and the spiritual shifts they will bring, then this divine flow moves through me to create it into form. The resulting paintings seem abstract, some of them containing light language symbols. The channelled messages that come through them, then reveal that they are connected in sequence with the previous artwork.

Channelled messages:

Sea/See Of Change:

Channelled message from 6 angels:

There are infinite measures and infinite treasures that you will behold in your pathway forward. There are slippery slopes, but these slippery slopes are not perilous when you have the appropriate footwear.

There are many challenges and many different ways to experience the many adventures that await your attention and your presence. In this way, you are never in any doubt as to your course of action and inspiration. You will see tremendous burdens lifted as you shift into consciousness streams that precipitate adventure and joy. This adventure and joy are more than entertainment. They are a functional aspect of Ascension that raises you higher and invites higher levels of consciousness.

Never forget that you are guided by a higher aspect of yourself, and you are always in touch with this higher aspect of yourself. There are times when it is more difficult to access or comprehend from your conscious awareness, but this does not reflect the truth of the guidance that you are always accessing in every action and every decision.

Benevolence is always available and streaming to you through various dimensional layers and levels. Your development is creating understanding of perceptions and discernment of what you are feeling through higher and higher senses. This enables you to fully harness benevolent streams of light and consciousness as they permeate through the dimensional layers into your world, creating ever-increasing harmony, creativity, and transformational upshifting perceptions and receptions.

Listen to how it feels in your body, in your mind, and in your spirit. Allow waves of higher vibration to move through and harmonize, refresh, and uplift in divine love and inspiration. Always with you, Archangel Michael and the five angels of love and upliftment.

In the benevolent spectrums of light, you are held always in divine love and grace. You are held up to the vibrant light that energizes, enlivens, and animates your vessel. You are always accessing this.


The spectrums and structures that are of greatest use in the current reality as forming foundations and backdrops of all that occurs in 3rd dimensional structures is now disintegrating and being evolved to higher templates, higher standards, and higher fluidity, flexibility, cohesion and integration, thus creating greater productivity for all and raising the ascension platforms and thresholds that society can now rest upon.

There will be unwavering spectrums of light that will anchor through new timelines that become available once these structures are replicated at a higher vibration in a more dynamic and cohesive, fluid way, that enables these timelines for humanity, for individuals and collectives to be able to cocreate vastly superior and vastly advanced creations, societies and systems.

Flexibility is required as these new timelines and new creative activities vibrate through the lower density and into form.

Timeline Anchoring:

In the enlightenment frequencies and spectrums, that are permeating through this lower density, there are many, many, many shifts and changes that you will see in the physical world.  These changes are the result of breaking old patterns (industry code- other design) and old structures as they recreate from a higher perspective in the world.  There are multiple trajectories that are available through this breaking of pattern that now are anchoring into your reality.  The collective consciousness, as it wishes and dreams into the higher reality, will anchor and stabilize these trajectories into physical form.


More amazingly, I find that they are designed to be repeated in a configuration that I call kaleidoscope to form a formula or complex of healing. I understand this to be similar to verbal light language where a single sound such as “te” is full of healing activations, yet it is often repeated as a healing formula with exponential activations creating a formula or complex such as “te te te te”. I am interested to see how these light codes in art will connect to different codes, eg, “te ta ka ta te ka to”.

The last image mesmerised me when I realised the pink section formed a full angel with face and all! Can you see it?

Sharing the codes on products

In my desire to share these important light codes, I have created them onto wearables such as yoga pants and shoes and other ways of receiving them such as water bottles and mugs. I will over time add them to many different types of products to make them as available as possible. All of these single codes and kaleidoscope codes are available as prints and canvases.


Shift Lack Programs, Elevate to Abundance


New Written Light Language Design- Archangel Micheal