Timeline Jump to Freedom
Watch this 10 minute video to receive a channelled message about individual freedom and sovereignty in your life, and be taken through an energetic timeline jump to the frequency spectrum where this is your truth. Then anchor it into your current reality. You will receive light language activations throughout.
This transmission is about Freedom. This has come up quite a lot over the last week or so and two of my paintings are called “Freedom”, one from about 2010 and one recent one which clears away past lives. They depict different levels of Freedom. I want to go into all the different ways that we feel strained, constricted, held back ,not able to make sovereign choices, not able to -for whatever reason-v whether it's internal thoughts and processes, or financial constraints, or we're held back. The ways we're not living how we would be living if we were truly free.
Calling the angels…
In the benevolent living conditions that are possible to you, there are vast choices and arrays. The choices you make from limitation, direct your way forward at a lower trajectory and a lower timeline and are ever changing, ever evolving in spectrums and spirals of influence, spirals of color, spirals and light codes of higher vision, higher knowing, higher learning. You follow a path to your ultimate destination that is joyful to you, aligned to your Soul's purpose and inevitably your free will aligns to this. Many challenges have been presented to you as part of your learning journey and these can be seen as limitation, being pulled back, being prevented from forward movement at a pace that feels desirable to you. However your vibrational frequency is always pulling in that which you require and have asked for, for your healing and evolutionary growth.
In the benevolence of your desired path there are many experiences to move through, overcome, and challenge you, that push you higher, farther, more. Others settle you into your presence, into your peace, into your deservedness, into your worthiness, and from this place we now take you to your next highest timeline.
Feel the peace within your heart, feel your feet on the earth, feel the expansive heart energy, feel a vast Horizon in front of you that spans further than your eyes can see into the cosmos, into the cosmic colors, into multiple dimensions and spectrums. You can see worlds, upon worlds, upon worlds, dimensions upon dimensions. Feel how you have access to all of these beyond your human senses, beyond your vision through your eyes. You know it, you feel it now, feel the path that is calling to you over in the clockwise direction. Feel how that makes your heart feel. Feel how your back aligns upright and strengthens and solidifies just as the awareness of that reality. Feel that as a personal reality for you and allow your energy to absorb the truth of that beautiful life, that you deserve, that you have graduated to, that aligns fully with the way you've been feeling lately, the way that life has chiseled you, your experiences have chiseled you, to feel what you would like to be, how you would like to live. The more you feel yourself in that feeling, feel how your spine anchors that through your base chakra and down into the ground. Release all the tension and everything that is not aligned to that truth, let it all dissolve, evaporate, disperse.
Feel all the different parts of your energy field, all the different layers, all the different parts of you. Feel them present in this new vibration, anchored, and stabilized through your spine into the Earth. Feel how different it feels in your body, in your emotions, in your mind, in your state of urgency. Feel the peace, feel the freedom, feel the deservedness, feel that you have been seen and heard. Let all that move through, let it all just reorganize and come into balance. Watch how your world around you changes. Feel that presence within you.
Once you feel oriented to the new frequency the new time and space and everything, there are waves moving out like ripples from you as these changes ripple out through your life, through the World, creator, Heaven on Earth.
Blessings to you all and much love
(Make sure you self care afterwards)
timeline jump to freedom. New earth reality, ascension.